Covenant Connections International (CCI)

Covenant Connections International is an organization founded by the late Bishop Nate Holcomb, to provide spiritual covering and inspire ongoing communications amongst pastors and those called to the five fold ministry.

Pastor Valerie Holcomb now oversees CCI And it’s members

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CCI was birthed as a result of Bishop Holcomb’s move into the office of Bishop in 1988. His mandate as given by the Holy Spirit is to provide a personal, spiritual connection, vis-a-vis, father to son/son to father, to CCI members. This connection will result in pastor being able to better serve their congregations or minister in a more excellent manner and to walk in integrity and truth.

CCI purposes to bring each member into a deeper relationship and understanding of the work of the Holy Spirit through living the Spirit-filled life and preaching the full gospel message. Although CCI believes that its membership should be in full agreement with each article of its statement of faith, thus promoting harmony among its membership, it recognizes that initially upon joining, there might be differences in doctrine and understanding of scriptural references to the Holy Spirit, spiritual gifts, and operations of the Spirit.

These differences will serve as a means to bring knowledge and understanding of the present-day work of the Holy Spirit so that there can be personal growth and increase in the apostle, prophet, pastor, evangelist, and teacher.

Contact Information

Covenant Connections International, Inc.
813 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive Copperas Cove, TX 76522 Phone:(254)518-1456

Destiny International Ministerial Alliance (DIMA)

Destiny International Ministerial Alliance (D.I.M.A) is an organization founded by Bishop Jesse J. Giddens consisting of Christian ministers and Churches.


DIMAs purpose is to provide a spiritual covering and connection, as well as a place of fellowship, encouragement, inspiration and motivation. The primary passion of The D.I.M.A Fellowship is to help the five-fold ministry fulfill their God-Given Destiny for advancing the Kingdom of God.

Contact Information

Destiny International Ministerial Alliance
4380 Amargosa Rd Victorville, CA 92392 Phone 760-951-8500